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Eric Hofbauer, jazz improv coaching/masterclass
Wednesday • June 10, 2020 | 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Isolated practice means both new challenges and new opportunities for improvisers. While most interactive skill sets demand the immediate connection of ensemble work, personal style development thrives in the solo practice setting. This masterclass will help you explore under-used music elements in your vocabulary. Through a series of detailed miniature improvised études, start to integrate new sounds and concepts into your style. The broader the personal palette of expressive tools a musician has, the more effective they can be interacting with the world around them.
Learn how Longy will best prepare you to become the musician the world needs you to be—while members of our faculty will mentor you on what it takes to get to the next level of artistry in your craft. Follow along live and have your questions answered in real time!
Masterclasses will be an inclusive space for all musicians, regardless of instrument—to benefit from the “cross-training” that these opportunities can provide. What can pianists, violists, or percussionists learn from a vocal masterclass—and vice versa? Join us and find out!