Career Coaching
In a radically changing world, your music matters now more than ever. Career possibilities reach well beyond the proscenium stage, and there is no single path to musical success. Your greatest contributions will come when you are the most aligned and integrated version of yourself. That is why we’ve created the Career Coaching Program at Longy!
“Career coaching has helped me to see myself as a hyphenate artist (singer-teacher-performer-student)… Once we are empowered with that information, thinking about and planning for post-graduate life seems less scary, more exciting.”
—Susan D.
“Career coaching has helped not only show an artistic path, but also reinforce my motivation and passion. I believe career coaching will help finally bring out the artist I’ve always known I was but struggled to bring out.”
—Lorenzo M.
Catalyst Curriculum
At Longy, you’ll have access to career coaching throughout your entire graduate education (and beyond!). Coaching ties together the threads of the Catalyst Curriculum–helping to guide your selection of courses by taking you from where you are now to where you’d like to be at each point along your journey.
Meet Our Coaches
Our coaches are experts in asking powerful questions that help you identify values, raise awareness, shift lenses, and prioritize effectively.
“We are all seeking to find our paths to success and our artistic purpose. Career coaching is a way to explore that together and connect what you are doing now to what you want to be doing in the future. I am passionate about working with others to help them discover what they need, what they want, and who they are. I look forward to walking with you on your journey.”
—Rebecca Teeters, Assistant Dean of Curriculum Development and Innovation, Career Coach
“Coaching is a heart-opening and mind-expanding process, full of infinite possibilities. It’s a great joy and privilege to support you on your journey of self-discovery, and my aspiration is to help you deepen your understanding of who you are, where you want to be, and how you’ll get there.”
—Ruth Blackburn, Senior Career Coach
“Embrace the journey of self-discovery, for within it lies the key to unlocking your true potential.”
—Zishi Liu, International Student Coordinator, Career Coach
“Career Coaching is an opportunity to explore the expansive options of what it means to be an artist in today’s world. At Longy, we encourage you to look at all possible routes and opportunities for your personal growth, and I am excited to be a part of the journey of expanding your professional and artistic horizons.“
—Lucy Martindale, Assistant Director of Student Life, Career Coach
“Career coaching can be a great opportunity to set aside time from the often-hectic pace of academics and the pressures of the world to examine what is important to us, and how we can create a fulfilling career around those priorities.”