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Library Online Resources

Longy offers several online resources through its OneLogin portal. Additional digital resources are available through external sites.

Online Music Resources at the Boston Public Library

The Boston Public Library (BPL) provides access to a number of excellent online music resources to all Massachusetts residents, including temporary residents. Longy students are strongly encouraged to apply for a BPL eCard. If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the Library Director.


Longy WorldCat allows you to search for scores, books, articles, and other types of resources in our library and libraries all over the world. By default, it searches our library. Select “Libraries Worldwide” to search for materials we don’t have. You can access full text when available, or you can request materials through Interlibrary Loan.

Internet Archive

The Internet Archive is a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. You can sign up for a free account. Their Books to Borrow section gives you access to over 1.5 million digital texts which can be borrowed for up to two weeks.

Selective List of Online Resources

Available to the Longy community for music study, arranged by type
Please note that accessing resources from Longy’s OneLogin portal on mobile devices may require downloading the OneLogin app.

Music Reference Works

Oxford Music Online (BPL eCard): Includes Grove Music Online, “the world’s premier online music encyclopedia, offering comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making, and music scholarship.”

Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online (BPL eCard): The first comprehensive online resource devoted to music research of all the world’s peoples.

Article Indexes and Newspapers

Education Source (OneLogin): Education Source provides indexing and abstracts for academic periodicals and includes full text for journals, books and monographs, education-related conference papers, citations for articles including book reviews and controlled and cross-referenced names of educational tests. Coverage in Education Source spans all levels of education from early childhood to higher education and also includes educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education and testing.

JSTOR (BPL eCard): Full text access to academic journal articles except for the most recent 3-5 years

New York Times, 1851-2016 (BPL eCard)

Boston Globe, 1980-Present (BPL eCard)

Boston Globe, 1872-1988 (BPL eCard)

Music History

Oxford History of Western Music (BPL eCard): “…an account of the evolution of Western classical music by musicologist Richard Taruskin.”

Music Bibliography

RISM, International Inventory of Musical Sources (Open Access): “RISM series A/II Music manuscripts after 1600 is an annotated index and guide to music manuscripts produced after 1600, containing more than 564,000 records by over 19,500 composers into one database which can be easily searched. The manuscripts are found in over 740 libraries and archives in 31 countries.” Coverage: after 1600 (mainly 1600-1850)

Diction for Singers

IPA Source: “The web’s largest library of International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and literal translations of opera arias and art song texts.”


EBSCO eBooks (OneLogin): The library is beginning to build a collection of eBooks. Currently there are only a handful of course related titles, but the collection is growing.

Digital Music Scores

Nkoda: The Nkoda app provides access to a wide-ranging digital library of copyrighted scores from publishers including Bärenreiter, Boosey & Hawkes, and Ricordi. You can mark up your music, save it for offline access, and share your markings with your colleagues. If you have not received a registration link, please contact the Library Director to request one.

Classical Scores Library from Alexander Street Press (BPL eCard): Collection of “classical scores from both in-copyright and public domain editions.”

IMSLP, Petrucci Music Library (Open access): Free, public domain music scores

Streamed Audio/Video

Jazz Music Library (BPL eCard): “The largest and most comprehensive collection of streaming jazz available online with thousands of jazz artists, ensembles, albums, and genres.”

Opera in Video (BPL eCard): “Over 200 performances selected for their importance to the operatic canon, as well as over 60 interviews and documentaries representing the world’s best performers, conductors, and opera houses.”

OperaVision (Open access): Free online access to first class European opera productions