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Brass & Woodwinds

Brass / Woodwinds Faculty
Andy Kozar

At Longy, we give our students incredible agency over the shape and focus of their education—all within a close-knit community of musical learning and creation, in a city with one of the country’s most vibrant and diverse musical scenes!
— Andy Kozar, chair

Meet Andy Kozar, Instrumental Studies Chair
Program Highlights

Guided by Longy’s experienced faculty mentors, Brass and Woodwind students build upon technical training to diversify and expand their skillsets to navigate the professional world. Students participate in solo, chamber, and orchestral performances, from classical staples to custom-commissioned contemporary music, gaining experiences that better prepare them to change the face of classical music—and change the world. Students also have the opportunity to work with partners like the Imagine Orchestra, Radius Ensemble, and the Du Bois Orchestra.

Ensemble Uncaged
Ensemble Uncaged, Longy’s premier contemporary music ensemble, will perform a wide variety of 20th- and 21st-century works by a diverse array of living and (recently) dead composers.

Music in Alternative Spaces
Artistry isn’t exclusive to the proscenium stage. Go beyond the concert hall and explore a variety of spaces with untapped potential to reach new audiences and communities.

I see myself working in existing programs that use music as a vehicle for social change, as well as blazing new paths. I want everyone, regardless of background, to have a positive and meaningful interaction with music, and I am committed to making that a reality.
— Hollyn Slykhuis

Meet Hollyn Slykhuis, MM Trumpet '22